In partnership with members of Boston-based ensemble King’s Highway, the 2020 March for Music Education Exchange (MMEX 2020) is powering youth music education and social development across borders, as well as creative opportunities that strengthen the ties between them. March 4-7 when two Alpha students and Alpha’s senior music instructor travel from Jamaica to take part in music education activities in Massachusetts at Canton High High School and in Rhode Island at the University of Rhode Island (URI). Join Kings Highway featuring the Alpha musicians at The Beehive in Boston on Saturday March 7 ( See the details below.

Wednesday March 4 Alpha students and staff visit Berklee College of Music, one of the premier music schools in the United States.
On Thursday March 5, the Canton High School music department welcomes Alpha which will sit in on music education classes and lead a workshop on Jamaican ska music.
Friday March 6 the exchange travels to Kingston, Rhode Island and the University of Rhode Island (URI). At URI, during the day Alpha students will shadow their peers and Alpha’s instructor will spending time with university instructors. In the evening, Alpha visitors will attend the University Artist Series concert featuring Brian Lynch with URI Jazz Faculty, including URI Professor Mark Berney.
On Saturday March 7 the exchange culminates in Boston with a Kings Highway performance featuring the Alpha musicians at The Beehive on Saturday March 7 (