Three music educators from the USA (Prof Mark Berney, Alex Beram and Nathan Sabanayagam) bring music business, performance, recording and theory expertise to workshops with Alpha Institute students Feb 12-14. Workshops will be divided into two parts. The first will emphasize learning new music using charts, playing together, understanding the forms, improvisation, and discussion about the links between American Jazz and Jamaican music. The second workshop will breakdown the music into various parts such as time and rhythm and dynamics as well as the do’s and don’ts on stage. The visitors will also host an open Jam Session Feb 14 at Haven on Hillcrest Ave.

Professor Mark Berney is Lecturer of Music at the University of Rhode Island and trumpeter for King’s Highway. In addition to over 30 recordings he has toured internationally with Itzhak Perlman and the Klezmer Conservatory Band.
A past General Manager of The Regattabar, Boston’s leading jazz venue, and past Associate Professor in the Music Business / Management Department at Berklee College of Music, Alex Beram most recently helped to found and lead the successful March for Music Education (MME) Scholarship Campaign and is now making MME an international catalyst for music education and vocational skills development.
Armed with a degree in Chemistry and another in music (Cum Laude) with a concentration in Music Synthesis from Berklee College, Nathan Sabanayagam counts Jamaican Winston Grennan and Ethiopian Melaku Retta as early mentors.